Thursday, 9 May 2013

My local library

As a second-time mum I am always on the look-out for things to do with my new baby. Being on maternity leave means I have to watch the pennies so if I can find an activity that is close to home and free, I am happy. This is where my local library ticks all the boxes. What a fantastic hub of activity for parents and carers. Actually, sometimes I think I should move in as I am there so much.

Before having kids I never knew the local library had so much on. This coming week I have a Mums’ and Babies’ Book Club where for the first time in a year I have finished an entire book (not an easy feat with a wee one) and PEEP (Parents Early Education Partnership) where we sing, play and read books. Then there’s the Breastfeeding CafĂ© and I end my week with a Bookbug session. When my son was younger I attended a baby massage course and if I wanted to I really could fill my days with many more activities. All of these events are free (or ask for a small donation sometimes for tea/coffee), keep me from going stir crazy at home and I get to meet other mums and bubs.

If you haven’t done so already, why not check out your local library? Or if it’s been a while why not take a look at the noticeboard for all the latest activities, there’s sure to be something new that you might fancy. With so many free events for children under five I can’t rate my local library high enough. The latest edition of Edinburgh for Under Fives has more details on Edinburgh libraries.

Until next time,

Member of the EFUF committee
Mum of two boys who loves coffee and chocolate

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